Picking a Flight School

AOPA has a great article in which they detail how to pick the best flight school for your situation. Do your research! And if you feel like you are stuck in making a decision, contact us! We would love to help. 

Our Thoughts (Put Simply)

There are two options when picking a flight school, Part 141 and Part 61. Part 141 is more regimented with different minimums to take a checkride. It is generally more expensive than Part 61 (per flight hour). In the end, they both deliver the same pilot ratings. 

Ultimately, we believe finding the cheapest flight school is the most important, therefore we recommend Part 61 for all training (no matter the rating you wish to receive). If you live in the Arizona area, see the link below for the cheapest/most reliable Part 61 school we have found.

PlaneFlightTraining: Piper Warrior II, $128/hr Wet Rate